Watch Out!

New .zip domains trick people into downloading malicious files


All you need to know


Look out for @ signs

Check if there is an @ sign in front of the .zip portion of the link.


Hover over Links

Browsers display where a link leads in the lower left corner.


E-Mails require additional care

E-Mails enable attackers to use a wide array of styling options. Attackers can change the font size of the @ sign and make it incredibly small. This results in an invisible @.

e-mail client screenshot, e-mail with link, where @ sign is not visible


Know your slashes

To craft a bad link, scammers need to use unicode characters U+2044 ⁄ and U+2215 ∕ in the link. They look slightly different to the correct slash /.

The correct slash is slightly longer and has a different angle. The bad slash is shorter and has a steeper angle.


Test a link

Feel free to check a link by entering it below

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Further readings & sources